Great Recipes and More!!

Cyber Scrappies
Picnic in the Park
Microwave Genius
Party Favors
Sunday Brunch
Romantic Evening
4th of July

Cyber Scrappies Group Report



This web site was designed to attract visitors who are interested in simple food preparation. The site is designed to attract a wide variety of visitors. Sample menus are provided with examples of recipes for various occasions. The main stakeholder group for this website is the general consumer. We have made our site attractive to this stakeholder group by using easy navigation features and vivid pictures of food prepared according to our recipes. We have a wide variety of recipes for any type of occasion from holidays to picnics in the park. There is also a section, microwave genius, for the busy consumer who seldom uses the conventional stove.


Degree of Customization

This is a broad-based web site. It provides information for a wide range of visitors, but does not adjust to the needs of each individual. Only those who are interested in cooking will spend much time viewing the site. After ordering, the site does not store personal information. So, the next time a customer orders they still have to input all their information again. This site does not use any preferences from past visits such as food category. A consumer basically starts from scratch with each visit to the site.


Customer Service Life Cycle:

Requirements – Visitors are able to view examples of several meals through photographs provided on the site. The appearance is very important in cooking. The appearance of a particular food or menu has a greater impact on whether a person finds the food appetizing. Textual descriptions are also available. Menus and preparation instructions are available for several of our links. The viewer is able to determine what menu is appealing and then find a recipe for the items on that menu.


Acquisition – We do assist the viewer in determining whether the want to buy our cookbook. The visitor can print menus and recipes directly from the site. They can also order a cookbook through the site on-line by simply submitting a form with a credit card number..


Ownership – Yes, our site does provide a form of ownership. If the customer purchases the cookbook, there is an 800 number and mailing address available for customers to comment on the recipes. On-line links are also provided to the visitor including other related sites that may be of interest to them.


Retirement – Currently no avenue is offered for visitors to advertise or sell items through the use of this website. Our site does not assist the client with disposal of the product. Actually, disposal is not necessary with recipes and a cookbook. If the customer opts to not use the recipes, they could simply put the book on a shelf.